Wednesday 13 June 2012

Top 100 most dangerous things on on the planet

Volcanic eruption
When a valcano erupts, hot lava, gas, and burning ash burst out from inside earth.
An eruption can fling solid rock into the air, too.
Most volcanos have erupted many times before,forming mountains.
They are closely monitored, soif one is about to erupt, therewill usually be lots of warnings.
But people do sometimes get caught in an eruption.


If there's a warning:
The local area will be evacuated.
Follow instructionsand leave the area as quickly and safely as possible.
Take blankets, food, and water in case you get stuck.

If a volcano erupts near you:
Head to high ground to avoid lava and mud that may flow down valleys.
Wear clothes that protect you from falling ash.
Protect your eyes with goggles, and your mouth and nose with a wet cloth.

If a volcano erupts while your on it:
Head for a high ridge on the mountainside and avoid valleys, strams, and bridges.
look for large rocks for shelter.